Bob Ray Sanders’ journalism career spanned more than four decades and three media: newspaper, television and radio. In 2015 he retired as Associate Editor and Senior Columnist from the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the newspaper where he began his professional career. As a young journalist with the paper, he served as courthouse reporter and political writer before leaving to begin a distinguished career in broadcasting.
He joined KERA-TV in 1972 as a reporter for the station’s innovative Newsroom program. Sanders later served as manager of KERA Radio, vice president/station manager of KERA-TV, and host and producer of the station’s award-winning program, News Addition.
A 1969 graduate of North Texas State University, Sanders is past president of the Press Club of Fort Worth. He is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, the National Association of Black Journalists and the Dallas/Fort Worth Association of Black Journalists. He currently serves on the advisory board of Community Hospice of Texas, the AIDS Outreach Center in Fort Worth and Goodwill Industries.
He has served as “Professional in Residence” in the Journalism Department of Texas Christian University, where he taught the course, “Race, Gender and Mass Media.”

Sanders has received some of journalism’s most prestigious awards, among them: five awards from the Houston, New York and Chicago film festivals, five Dallas Press Club KATIE Awards, three Corporation for Public Broadcasting Awards; a regional Emmy Award; a National Association of Black Journalists award for Best TV Sports Feature, and a National Headliner Award for outstanding investigative reporting.
Other honors include: “Ethics Award” from the TCU Journalism Department; Distinguished Alumni Award, Fort Worth Independent School District; induction into the “Hall of Honor,” University of North Texas Journalism Department; induction in the Texas Literary Hall of Fame; an honorary doctorate degree from Jarvis Christian College and the “Thomas Jefferson Liberty Award” from the Dallas Civil Liberties Union.
He is married to Dorothy Brown-Sanders. They have one son, Chandon.
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